As an instructor, you can control which links appear in Course Navigation. By default, all links are enabled for all courses. Please note that links cannot be renamed.


Links to sections that don't have any content and that students cannot create content for will not be shown to students and will be faded for your view. For example, if there are no learning outcomes set for the course, you will see the faded Outcomes link, but students will not see the link at all. Configured External Apps may create additional Course Navigation links.


If you are using the New Canvas User Interface, reordering and hiding Course Navigation links affects the course tabs in the Dashboard course view. Learn more about the new Dashboard.


Open Settings

Open Settings

In Course Navigation, click the Settings link.


Open Navigation

Open Navigation

Click the Navigation tab.


Reorder Navigation Links

Reorder Navigation Links

By default, all links are shown in the course.


To reorder navigation links, you can drag and drop links to create a custom order [1]. You can also click the link Settings icon [2] and select the Move option [3].


Note: You can also select, navigate, and drop navigation links using a keyboard. To view the keyboard shortcuts, press the comma key. Links will always be placed below the link where you drop it. To replace a link at the beginning of the navigation menu, drop the link at the top. By default the link will appear as the second link in the list. Then move the top link down below your preferred link.


Move Navigation Link

Move Navigation Link

Choose where you want to move the link in the Course Navigation. Click the radio button for Before or After In the drop-down menu [1], then select the name of a link [2]. Click the Move button [3]. Canvas will move your link either before or after the link you selected in the menu.


Hide Navigation Links

Hide Navigation Links

To hide a navigation link, you can drag and drop the link to the hidden section at the bottom of the page [1]. You can also click the link Settings icon [2] and select theDisable option [3].


Enable Link

Once you have disabled a link, you can also use the Setting icon to enable the link again; the option will change to Enable.


Save Navigation

Save Navigation

When you are finished with Course Navigation, save your settings by clicking the Save button.