1. You can access brainpop or brainpopjr by going to internet explorer under your favorites.

a. https://www.brainpop.com/

b. https://jr.brainpop.com/

2. The table below contains the log in information for your specific school.

3. If you would like to set up a class of your own using brainpop, you will need the school code that is in the table.

4. If you have specific how-to questions, you can call 212.574.6043. This is the brainpop phone number.

5. This website covers the majority of the curriculum. Great cyber safety, math, language arts, writing, social sciences, sciences, arts, music, health, engineering, and on and on. Please take a peek if you have never checked it out.

6. https://educators.brainpop.com/ This is a great way to explore brainpop and all it has to offer.

School name School username School password Educator code
Bryant Elementary School bryantelem2 pop1 JLEB6517
East High School easthigh2 pop1 FQNP1992
East Middle School eastmiddle2 pop1 SPTZ5339
Hunt Elementary School huntelem2 pop1 JQRT1253
Irving Elementary School irvingelem2 pop1 CZBF8846
Nodland Elementary School nodlandelem pop1 ULIR6299
North High School northhigh2 pop1 NZIG8987
Sunnyside Elementary School sunnysideelem2 pop1 SNJY8316
West High School westhigh2 pop1 WOMK2812
West Middle School westmiddle2 pop1 OZHE2927
Leeds Elementary School leedselem pop1 LZGE7159
North Middle School northmiddle2 pop1 KGQM2292
Unity Elementary School unityelem2 pop1 BVVO5887
Spalding Park Elementary spaldingpark2 pop1 AWLH7663
Liberty Elementary School libertyelem2 pop1 BHEB1923
Clark Elementary School clarkelem2 pop1 KJOC7533
Riverside Elementary School riversidees2 pop1 XWJZ7889
Loess Hills Elementary loesshills2 lh2597 FDSN2315
Perry Creek Elementary School perrycreek2 pc2684 TRRF1645
Morningside Elementary morningside2 pop1 VBFQ1156