Infinite Campus security is not the same as Pinnacle security and we want to ensure as we setup security rights for individuals that we are compliant with FERPA. 

The following is how technology will be assigning security rights:

Individuals who want security access different than the following must FIRST go through their PRINCIPAL. Then the Principal must go through their director (Jim Vanderloo- Secondary and Brian Burnight – Elementary). Please do NOT open a ticket or email technology. Technology can’t authorize security requests other than what has already been explained below.

For those who DON’T know where they fall below….MUST start with Principal.

Please also note that these security guidelines may change.

1. Teachers (Regular Education) will be given security rights in Infinite campus for ONLY the students who are scheduled in their classes.

2. Teachers (Special Education) will be given security rights to all students they share with other teachers and who are scheduled in their classes.

3. Principals, Resource Officers, Liaison Officers, and Outreach workers will NOT have access to the entire district unless prior permission is given by the Associate Superintendent.

4. Coaches will be given rights to ONLY the students that are scheduled to them for activity or sport. Infinite Campus all activities will be scheduled with the coach assigned as the teacher.