Middle School Teachers (7-8 grade) there is an Ad Hoc report called Student Grades by Homeroom - Basic, that will allow teachers to run this report and receive the grades for their homeroom students and all the student's grades in other classes. The report is already created for you, but each teacher will need to copy it and customize it for their class. Below is a list or steps to copy the report and save it to teacher's personal folder and then customize it before running it. Please do not edit the existing report. Only edit the Copy of the report. Once you customize it then you will be able to run the report without repeat all of these step.
If this is your first time in to this report then start with step #1. If you have already customized this report (completed step #1 to #13) to run the report start with step #14.
Login to Infinite Campus on the Campus Tools side.
1) Click on Ad Hoc Reporting
2) Click on Data Export
3) Click on the plus sign next to the group called Teachers (non-HS)
4) Click on the report called student Student Grades by Homeroom - Basic
5) Click on the Copy button
Then a screen will appear as below:
6) Click OK on the created copy name screen
7) Notice the "Copy of" report is highlighted, if it is not highlighted then please select it.
8) Click on the Edit button.
9) Edit the Query name and remove the "Copy of " from the report name.
Query name should be Student Grades by Homeroom - Basic
10) In the lower right hand side of the screen click on the next button.
11) Go to the field called student.homeroomTeacher and replace the current teacher name of "jones" with your last name. All in lower case will work.
12) Click on Save To: User Account
13) Click on the Save & Test button
CONGRATULATIONS!! The report is saved and will display on your screen. The next time you run the report you can Skip the above steps and start with Step #14.
14) Click on Ad Hoc Reporting
15) Click on Data Export
16) Click on the report called student Student Grades by Homeroom - Basic
17) Click on PDF report (for excel click on the Delimited values (CSV))
18) Click on Export
If the following screen appears then:
19) Click on the Open with Firefox option.
20) Click the Ok button