1. You can access brainpop or brainpopjr by going to internet explorer under your favorites.
2. The table below contains the log in information for your specific school.
3. If you would like to set up a class of your own using brainpop, you will need the school code that is in the table.
4. If you have specific how-to questions, you can call 212.574.6043. This is the brainpop phone number.
5. This website covers the majority of the curriculum. Great cyber safety, math, language arts, writing, social sciences, sciences, arts, music, health, engineering, and on and on. Please take a peek if you have never checked it out.
6. https://educators.brainpop.com/ This is a great way to explore brainpop and all it has to offer.
School name | School username | School password | Educator code |
Bryant Elementary School | bryantelem2 | pop1 | JLEB6517 |
East High School | easthigh2 | pop1 | FQNP1992 |
East Middle School | eastmiddle2 | pop1 | SPTZ5339 |
Hunt Elementary School | huntelem2 | pop1 | JQRT1253 |
Irving Elementary School | irvingelem2 | pop1 | CZBF8846 |
Nodland Elementary School | nodlandelem | pop1 | ULIR6299 |
North High School | northhigh2 | pop1 | NZIG8987 |
Sunnyside Elementary School | sunnysideelem2 | pop1 | SNJY8316 |
West High School | westhigh2 | pop1 | WOMK2812 |
West Middle School | westmiddle2 | pop1 | OZHE2927 |
Leeds Elementary School | leedselem | pop1 | LZGE7159 |
North Middle School | northmiddle2 | pop1 | KGQM2292 |
Unity Elementary School | unityelem2 | pop1 | BVVO5887 |
Spalding Park Elementary | spaldingpark2 | pop1 | AWLH7663 |
Liberty Elementary School | libertyelem2 | pop1 | BHEB1923 |
Clark Elementary School | clarkelem2 | pop1 | KJOC7533 |
Riverside Elementary School | riversidees2 | pop1 | XWJZ7889 |
Loess Hills Elementary | loesshills2 | lh2597 | FDSN2315 |
Perry Creek Elementary School | perrycreek2 | pc2684 | TRRF1645 |
Morningside Elementary | morningside2 | pop1 | VBFQ1156 |