Open Commons

From the Global Navigation bar on the left of the screen, click the Commons link

*If you do not see the Commons icon, then please contact Mike Crawford to add you as a teacher to a course in Canvas. Once you are a teacher for at least one class in Canvas, then the Commons icon will appear.

Authorize Commons to access your account


The first time you access Commons it will ask you to authorize your email account to connect the two.
Click Authorize

Find item

In the Search…. field, type in what resource you would like to import into your Canvas course.

Then click the name of the resource you would like to import.

Select courses to import resource

Check the box next to each course you would like to import the resource into, then click the
Import into Course button.


Verify imported resource

A notification should appear at the top of your screen stating the import has successfully started.  Go back to your Canvas course to verify the resource has imported.