This section will help you with iPad, laptop or using your device to attend online classes.

This document will give you three options:

  • Look for a Solution in the Help Desk
  • Enter a Help Desk Ticket
  • Give us a call

Look for a Solution in the Help Desk 

First check our knowledge base where we have been collecting issues and solutions. You can search for a solution there. 

  1. Go to 
  2. Click on the Solutions tab first to see if you can resolve the issue without creating a ticket. At “How can we help you today?” type the problem you are having and click Search. Look at the solutions. If you are unable to fix the problem create a ticket. 

Enter a Help Desk Ticket 

If you were not able to find a document that would help solve your problem, you can enter a help desk ticket into our system. Tickets will be assigned to techs who will help you with a resolution. Here is how you create a help desk ticket. 

  1. Go to 
  2. Click New support ticket

  3. At Requester, type your email address and your name on the second box. 

  4. At Problem, type a brief description of the problem 

  5. Choose your school (if you are in the virtual school, choose VIBE) 

  6. At Room Number or Area (Staff & Teachers) type Home if you are learning online from home and a phone number where you can be reached. 

  7. At Customer, choose Student 

  8. At Issue, choose an issue from the dropdown arrow 

  9. At Description, type a detailed description of the problem and what you have done to troubleshoot. 

  10. Click Submit. Your ticket will be automatically assigned to a technician who will contact you. 

Give us a Call 

If you are unable to enter a ticket, please call our help desk number (712)279-6803. We have people answering that phone from 7AM to 4PM. If we are unable to answer, please leave a voice mail with your name, student ID and a description of your problem and we will get to it as soon as we can.

If you are having concerns or trouble with attendance, sick child, grades, fees, immunizations or schedule for your student, please call the building registrar at their school.