1. A lock on a blue and yellow background

Description automatically generatedOpen LockDown Browser on your desktop.

  2. A green arrow pointing to a computer screen

Description automatically generatedFrom the LDB toolbar click the Info icon.

  3. A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generatedCheck the Version number and date

  4. If your version number / date is the same or newer (greater) than   June 2, 2023, then your version is OK and you are done. (Skip Step 5)

  5. If your version number / date is older (less) than 2.1.100   June 2, 2023, then perform steps (a-c)
    1. A software center app logo

Description automatically generatedOpen Software Center

    2. A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generatedFind and click LockDownBrowser … upgrade

    3. A screenshot of a browser

Description automatically generatedClick Install